Kate Plus 8, Kate Gosselin's children expelled due to "rage issues"

It appears that divorce is taking its toll on the Gosselin children.  Reports from CBS News and from TV Guide and from People have surfaced that two of Kate Gosselin's children have been expelled due to 'rage issues,' and Kate is now homeschooling them.

Divorce is hard on children.  It is not unusual for children to begin "acting out" to get their parents' attention.  Many children believe that divorce is somehow their fault.  The children may be acting out to get their parents back together to deal with the situation.  It is really important during this difficult time for parents to be polite, work together, and not to fight in front of the children.  Otherwise, children begin to learn that the only way to get results is to raise your voice, yell, say mean things, or even resort to physical violence to get their way.

What they see, is what they do.  Don't let your emotions get in the way of doing what is best for your child.  Be sure that you utilize impulse control so that your children learn to think before they act.