Jefferson County, Illinois: Collecting Child Support

Check out this article about having a hard time collecting child support from divorce. It's a wise person who does NOT negotiate a child support figure. Yes, I know you want that support coming in, and you're trying your darndest to be the "nice" one in the divorce. Illinois has calculations set in place for a reason.

So what are those calculations? 20 percent for one child, 28 percent for two children, 32 percent for three children, 40 percent for four children, 45 percent for five children, and 6 or more at 50 percent. 750 ILCS 5/505.

And, always keep in mind if you're the one having to go to court to get that child support, you can request attorney's fees pursuant to Section 508(a) of the Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act (IMDMA). 750 ILCS 5/508(a).

Marion County & Jefferson County, Illinois: Back Child Support Due

also known as a child support arrearage. In Illinois, if you're paying child support, and you owe back child support, you must make efforts to pay off that arrearage. However, don't let anyone convince you that you can have a large amount taken out of your check at one time. Illinois law limits the amount of back child support to be paid at one time to 20% (twenty percent) of the amount you're currently paying. In fact, it's clearly listed on the Uniform Order of Support which must be completed any time child support is paid by a parent.